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Dr. Adam Michael Steinberg

Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)


Dr. Adam Michael Steinberg
Dr. Adam Steinberg is an associate professor and associate chair for graduate programs in the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Tech. He also is the Director of the Ben T. Zinn Combustion Laboratory -- one of the largest academic combustion research facilities in the world – and the Principal Investigator of the Lasers & Fluids Group within the Combustion Lab. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, Dr. Steinberg was on the faculty of the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (2011-2018) and served as a research scientist at the German Aerospace Center (2009-2011). Dr. Steinberg’s research focuses on overcoming the scientific and technical barriers facing future aerospace propulsion and energy conversion devices. Working closely with government and industry, his research group develops and applies advanced laser-based measurement techniques that help unravel the coupled thermal, fluid, and chemical process occurring in these devices. Topics of interest include light/matter interactions, turbulence, combustion, gas turbine engines, chemical rockets, electric propulsion, high-speed flows, data analysis, and experiment/simulation coupling.